Push and Pull Factors

Push and Pull factors of German Migration



Immigration - German Push and Pull Factors

Definition of Push and Pull factors of German Migration to America
This article explains the Push and Pull factors of German Migration to America for kids. What are Push and Pull Factors that relate to Germany and what do they mean? The push and pull definitions are as follows:

  • Push factors are the reasons why people left Germany, such as persecution, fear, natural disasters, poverty and unemployment
  • Pull factors are the reasons why people moved to the United States of America in search of freedom, safety, stability and new opportunities

Push and Pull factors of German Migration to America for kids: Political, Economic, Social & Environmental Reasons
The push and pull factors of German Migration are dictated by economic, political, environmental and social reasons.
Discover specific events in the history of Germany that prompted German people to leave their homes to start a new life in America. 

Push and Pull factors of German Migration for kids: Examples of German Migration Chart
The following chart provides facts and information about some specific examples of Push and Pull factors of German Migration to America.

Examples of Push and Pull factors of German Migration to America

List and Examples of Push Factors

List and Examples of Pull Factors

Political Factor: Radical Protestants called the Mennonites (Anabaptists) were first 50 German immigrants to America

The first wave of German immigrants sought religious freedom in the New World and founded Germantown (aka Germanopolis) in Pennsylvania

Economic and Political Factors: Between 1708 - 1760, conflict, poverty, hunger, and persecution drove 100,000 German immigrants ("Auswanderungs") to America. 

Poor Germans signed contracts to travel to America as indentured servants, called Redemptioners.

Political Factor: France attacked the Palatine region of Germany

Over 13,000 "Poor Palantines" escaped the violence and turmoil by travelling to Britain. Many opted to emigrate to America and work off their passage in the English settlements along the Hudson River

Environmental Factor:  Over 250,000 people (41% of the population of East Prussia) died of starvation and disease during the famine of 1708-1711.

To looked to America to find more fertile land to escape famine and disease and find safety in a more settled climate and environment.

Political Factor: In the 1700's Lutheran Protestants, members of the Moravian Protestant sect and Jews suffered religious persecution

German immigrants sought to escape religious persecution in Germany

Political Factor: Many Hessian soldiers had been forced to serve in the military and were hired by the British to fight in the American Revolutionary War.

At the end of the Revolutionary War nearly 5000 Hessian soldiers joined the large German-American population made their home in the United States.

Environmental and Economic Factors: Crop failures and the potato blight swept across Europe and hit Germany in 1845 leading to hunger and poverty and a massive increase of immigration to America.

A great wave of German immigrants sought to escape dire poverty and a lower risk from natural disasters and hazards

Political Factor: In 1842 the Adelsverein was an attempt to establish a new Germany in Texas.

This was the largest single migration of Germans to the United States of America during which 6,000 immigrants from Germany settled in Texas looking for a new life and opportunities.

Political Factor: In 1848 German revolutionaries, called the Forty-Eighters, emigrated to avoid political persecution.

Searching for safety and stability the "Forty-Eighters" helped to develop the beer and wine making industries in the United States of America.

Political Factor: In 1933 the Nazi party assumed power leading to a rise in German refugees fleeing to the United States of America.

Many Germans fled their homes to escape in Fascism and the Nazi's and move to a welcoming, stable and safe environment and a new life in America

Examples and List of Push Factors for kids

Examples and List of Pull Factors for kids

Examples and List of Push and Pull factors of German Migration to America

Push Pull factors of German Migration for kids: Pull Push factors of Germany
To discover the full story of the Pull Push factors of Germany go to German Immigration to America for comprehensive facts, laws and history.

Push and Pull factors of German Migration: Political Examples of of Push and Pull factors in Germany
Find examples of Political Push and Pull factors such as significant historical events in German history such as wars, political extremists and violent conflicts which prompted the migration of German people to escape political or religious persecution.

Push and Pull factors of German Migration: Environmental Examples of Push and Pull factors in Germany
Find examples of Environmental Push and Pull factors relating to any devastating natural disasters that have hit Germany such as crop failures, the
potato blight and famine that led German people to seek safety in a more settled climate and environment.

Push and Pull factors of German Migration: Social Examples of Push and Pull factors in Germany
Find examples of Social Push and Pull factors that prompted migration from Germany such as the desire to join their families in America and to achieve a better standard of living.

Push and Pull factors of German Migration: Economic Examples of of Push and Pull factors in Germany
Find examples of Economic Push and Pull factors that prompted immigration from Germany such as poverty that led German people to consider emigration in order to achieve a better standard of living and improved employment opportunities on the fertile farming lands of America.

Push and Pull factors of German Migration

  • Interesting Facts about Push and Pull reasons for German Migration
  • Push and Pull examples of German Migration for kids
  • Definition of Push and Pull factors relating to Germany
  • Examples of Push and Pull reasons for German Migration to USA
  • Push and Pull examples of German Migration to America for kids
  • Fast, fun facts and specific examples about Push and Pull factors of German Migration
  • Examples of reasons for German Migration to the United States of America
  • Push and Pull examples of German Migration to America for schools, homework, kids and children

Push and Pull factors of German Migration - US History - Push and Pull Facts - Examples of German Migration - Germany Immigration - German Migration Push and Pull - United States - Definition - American - US - USA - Germany Immigration - America - Dates - United States - German Migration examples for Kids - Children - Schools - Homework - Important - Facts on of German Migration - Issues of German Migration - Push and Pull Examples - Reasons - Examples - German Migration Push and Pull - History - Interesting - Push and Pull - Info - Information - American History - Facts on of German Migration - Push and Pull - Push and Pull factors of German Migration

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